Ramu’s Story
From the time he was born, Ramu has not had an easy life. He has bounced around to different facilities across Nepal and India, known as being a rather naughty young elephant. After being trained to work in tourism and losing both of his tusks due to fighting with other elephants, Ramu was bought by an elephant owner in Chitwan, Nepal.
For years, Ramu was used for tourist rides until he showed too much aggression and became too dangerous for tourists to interact with closely. At that point, Ramu was becoming more and more challenging to manage and, because of that, transitioned to being chained in one spot, full-time. That was over five years ago.
In 2021, Ramu was moved to a new piece of land closer to the jungle that is more peaceful. This move had the potential to provide more freedom to Ramu; unfortunately, due to financial restraints, management changes never came to fruition. Ramu is still chained full-time because the materials strong enough to keep him in an enclosure chain-free are too costly for his owner to purchase.
To help combat the financial difficulties that have made it challenging to give Ramu enough food and space, we launched Project Ramu! Through this project, we are taking on the costs of Ramu’s care to ensure he and his mahout(s) are taken care of while we strive to raise the necessary funds for an enclosure.
As a young bull who has endured more than some would in a lifetime, he deserves a second chance to live as all elephants should. Thank you for your kind support of this project, and we hope that we can cultivate a new reality for Ramu together.
Project Priorities:
Consistent Food Supply
Land Maintenance
Mahout Salary & Life Insurance
Enclosure Improvement
Thank you for your support!
Your generous support is greatly appreciated as we strive to give Ramu a fighting chance at a life without discomfort, hunger, or suffering. If you want to help us cover Ramu’s expenses month after month, consider a recurring monthly donation!
To cover the cost of Ramu’s food as well as his mahout’s salary, we are striving to raise $500 per month.
Project Milestones:
Foot Care & Shelter Maintenance
Since Ramu had been standing in one spot for such a long period, his substrate was moist and mushy, leaving him more prone to potential infection.
After some positive reinforcement training sessions, we got Ramu comfortable lying down on command again, which opened up the ability to get some foot care done. We were so lucky that the knowledgeable and skilled Steve Koyle of Elephant Care Unchained could do foot care on Ramu for his first nail trimming in many years! We are happy to report that Ramu’s feet are now in tip-top shape.
Following his pedicure sessions, we dug out his old soft substrate and replaced it with fresh soft dirt. We saw immediate results as Ramu dusted himself and dug into fresh dirt for the first time in a long time. Seeing him re-engaging with his environment so quickly was incredibly rewarding. Thank you to all who donated to get us to this point! This milestone is a significant step in improving his welfare.
Securing Consistent Food Supply
With the support we’ve received, we’ve been able to secure hay not only for Ramu but also for the seven other elephants that live at the same camp as him! Thank you for helping us support local elephant owners in Nepal.
We have also been supplying Ramu with fresh banana trees, corn crops, and local grass from the jungle. Ramu has been loving all of his fresh food and has you to thank for the love you’ve shown him!
24/7 Access to Water
One of our most exciting changes yet… installing a concrete water tank in Ramu’s shelter so he has 24/7 access to water! All animals deserve constant access to water to help fulfill their freedom from hunger and thirst. This is a huge contributor to positive welfare, and we are happy to have been able to bring water access to Ramu!
Thanks to your support, some other tasks we’ve been able to complete include:
purchasing fields of corn and banana trees for Ramu’s daily diet
consistently bringing in new dirt to keep Ramu’s enclosure comfortable and clean
building a platform for Ramu’s food to keep it fresh longer and off the ground
paying Ramu’s land rent
planting fields of corn next to his field to make food deliveries easier
and more!